It appears that the incredibly popular Deckvest from Spinlock is becoming even more popular and developing a broader appeal. The RYA have just announced that the Deckvest has been selected as the official lifejacket for use by certified RYA Yachtmaster Instructors around the world.
The specially-designed Instructor Deckvest forms part of an exclusive new RYA Instructor Membership Package to be made available next month.
Not only are the RYA's elite instructors taking to the Deckvest but now the Elite of the Italian Army have after several months of intensive testing selected the Deckvest and Mast Pro Harness for use by the Parachute Regiment in marine operations and working at height.
The 9Th Reggimento d'Assalto Paracadutisti which is considered one of the elite units of the Italian Army, respected for their extreme arduous training chose the Spinlock products.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
Long Cold Winter
As many of us are still sat huddled up on the sofa watching sailing clips on you tube or planning the winter re-fit and wondering whether it will be warm enough to venture back out on to the water in May there is a hard core boating fraternaty who are out there doing their thing all year round, whether it be the dingy racers crossing the icy threshhold of the local lake or powerboaters defrosting decks it's testimount to how much we enjoy being out there.
Generally we are pretty lucky in our choice of past time in this country that there are plenty of places to partake in our chosen sport (living on an island does help) but also if we are keen enough we can sail/powerboat when ever we like. Being a keen skier myself I always wait with such eager anticipation the arrival of the winter and the chance to fly off somewhere cold and snowy for a week to hurl my self down the side of a mountain and then spend the rest of the year wishing I could do it more often. which makes me think why am i so reluctant to hit the water with such enthusiasm during the winter months? Too cold can not be use as an excuse after the afore mentioned skiing obsession and modern clothing available. I think it might simply be that we talk our selves out of it, give the boat a rest may be?
Not sure quite where i'm going with this other than to say well done to those of you who stick with it over the winter months and I don't blame you to those who take up sofa sailing until the summer. Maybe I need to get back out there, after all some of the best sailing days I have had have been in the winter months when the sun is shining and the water is nice and quiet and free of the (how to put this nicely) less experienced water users that some times might do things that we don't agree with.
Wether you prefer to do your boating in shorts and t-shirt or in the snow as long as you enjoy it I gues that is all that matters.
Generally we are pretty lucky in our choice of past time in this country that there are plenty of places to partake in our chosen sport (living on an island does help) but also if we are keen enough we can sail/powerboat when ever we like. Being a keen skier myself I always wait with such eager anticipation the arrival of the winter and the chance to fly off somewhere cold and snowy for a week to hurl my self down the side of a mountain and then spend the rest of the year wishing I could do it more often. which makes me think why am i so reluctant to hit the water with such enthusiasm during the winter months? Too cold can not be use as an excuse after the afore mentioned skiing obsession and modern clothing available. I think it might simply be that we talk our selves out of it, give the boat a rest may be?
Not sure quite where i'm going with this other than to say well done to those of you who stick with it over the winter months and I don't blame you to those who take up sofa sailing until the summer. Maybe I need to get back out there, after all some of the best sailing days I have had have been in the winter months when the sun is shining and the water is nice and quiet and free of the (how to put this nicely) less experienced water users that some times might do things that we don't agree with.
Wether you prefer to do your boating in shorts and t-shirt or in the snow as long as you enjoy it I gues that is all that matters.
Monday, 25 January 2010
Atlantic rowers and competition winners
For the duration of the London boat show you may have read my complaints on this blog and Twitter about how my feet and limbs were aching having been stood up for 10 hours a day for 2 weeks, well now I take all that back after reading the blog from solo Atlantic rower Charlie Pitcher.
Charlie is Currently competing in the Woodvale Atlantic Rowing Race (made famous in 2005 by James Cracknell and Ben Fogle who made a documentary of their own attempt at the race) which covers 2,550 nautical miles from the Canary Islands to Antigua not only that but he is doing it alone! Check out his blog here and read the tragic story behind his reason for partaking in this grueling event.
What has this got to do with Mailspeed? well Charlie is a member of the Royal Burnham Yacht Club (just down the road from our Burnham store) and the team in the Burnham store have helped him out with some of the kit required to take part.
Good luck Charlie for the rest of the race!
Continuing the Burnham on Crouch theme, you may recall the article on this blog last year referring to the Boating on a Budget scheme set up to raise funds for the new boathouse required to house the new lifeboat in Burnham. Well as those of you who attended the boat show will have seen Barangoola was proudly displayed next to the main stage during the show where you had the opportunity to win her for just £5. The draw took place on the last Sunday of the Show where the lucky winners were the Grimster Family from Buckinghamshire. Well done to everybody involved in the project which managed to raise a fantastic £17,000 at the show.

The Lucky winners with Lifeboat volunteers and the beautifully restored Barangoola
Charlie is Currently competing in the Woodvale Atlantic Rowing Race (made famous in 2005 by James Cracknell and Ben Fogle who made a documentary of their own attempt at the race) which covers 2,550 nautical miles from the Canary Islands to Antigua not only that but he is doing it alone! Check out his blog here and read the tragic story behind his reason for partaking in this grueling event.
What has this got to do with Mailspeed? well Charlie is a member of the Royal Burnham Yacht Club (just down the road from our Burnham store) and the team in the Burnham store have helped him out with some of the kit required to take part.
Good luck Charlie for the rest of the race!
Continuing the Burnham on Crouch theme, you may recall the article on this blog last year referring to the Boating on a Budget scheme set up to raise funds for the new boathouse required to house the new lifeboat in Burnham. Well as those of you who attended the boat show will have seen Barangoola was proudly displayed next to the main stage during the show where you had the opportunity to win her for just £5. The draw took place on the last Sunday of the Show where the lucky winners were the Grimster Family from Buckinghamshire. Well done to everybody involved in the project which managed to raise a fantastic £17,000 at the show.

The Lucky winners with Lifeboat volunteers and the beautifully restored Barangoola
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Boat show in pictures Part 4
So far we have seen the build up process and the launch of the new Gill Race Collection so below are a few pics of the Launch of the new Henri Lloyd Blue Eco range and a few other interesting bits.

The Blue Eco display stand

Modelling the Blue Eco

(sorry about the pics I was a bit late arriving for the launch and ended up at the back of the pack)

Did someone say free beer?

Laura and Damian posing for the camera

The Mailorder stand up and running

The Gill stand all finished and ready for action (customers were hard to come by on the Friday)
Well thats about it for pics of the show i'm afraid, it all started to get a bit a busier from here on in so I didnt get much chance to take more pics. The finishing touches are just being added to some of the video footage from the show, and i will try to get that up as soon as poss.

The Blue Eco display stand

Modelling the Blue Eco

(sorry about the pics I was a bit late arriving for the launch and ended up at the back of the pack)

Did someone say free beer?

Laura and Damian posing for the camera
The Mailorder stand up and running
The Gill stand all finished and ready for action (customers were hard to come by on the Friday)
Well thats about it for pics of the show i'm afraid, it all started to get a bit a busier from here on in so I didnt get much chance to take more pics. The finishing touches are just being added to some of the video footage from the show, and i will try to get that up as soon as poss.
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Boatshow in Pictures Part 3
OK so you have seen the build up process now for the real thing. London Boat show 2010

The office for 2 weeks

Nick Gill (Founder of the Gill clothing brand)introduces the gathered public and press to the new Race Collection.

(a pretty rubbish picture of) The New Gill Race Pant

Al,Simon and Alex modelling the new Race Collection (don't give up the day jobs boys)

The Race Collection displayed on the Gill stand
Pics from the Henri Lloyd unveiling and more show pics tomorrow

The office for 2 weeks

Nick Gill (Founder of the Gill clothing brand)introduces the gathered public and press to the new Race Collection.

(a pretty rubbish picture of) The New Gill Race Pant

Al,Simon and Alex modelling the new Race Collection (don't give up the day jobs boys)
The Race Collection displayed on the Gill stand
Pics from the Henri Lloyd unveiling and more show pics tomorrow
Boatshow in pictures part 2
Hopefully you liked the little in site into the show setup below are a few more pics of the final stages of setup and show pics. unfortunately when the show was open I didn't really have the time to take many pics of the show but I will see if I can find some more from else where.

Our Gill stand starting to take shape

The Chandlery section nearing completion

The dinghy/tender display goes up (and it stayed up)

The Henri Lloyd stand starts to take shape (probably my favourite stand of the show)

Those giant beach balls I mentioned on a previous post.
Next stop show time (last few pics for later today, you know build up the suspense a bit).

Our Gill stand starting to take shape

The Chandlery section nearing completion

The dinghy/tender display goes up (and it stayed up)

The Henri Lloyd stand starts to take shape (probably my favourite stand of the show)

Those giant beach balls I mentioned on a previous post.
Next stop show time (last few pics for later today, you know build up the suspense a bit).
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
London Boat Show in Pictures
Well as promised weeks ago now, here are a few pics from the London boatshow set up, sorry about the quality but its the best i could do with the tools i had (bad workman springs to mind).

Where to start?

Our Burnham shop manager Dave (Stretch) Southcombe between box runs.

The Chandlery section starting to take shape.

Billy Booth our Warrington shop manager moving at speed (I think the pub had just opened)

The Henri Lloyd section all finished and awaiting some stock

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

The Stock arrives for the Gill stand

and more
hopefully this gives you all a little sneak preview into what goes on to get a boat show set up there will be more show pics and products to follow shortly.

Where to start?

Our Burnham shop manager Dave (Stretch) Southcombe between box runs.

The Chandlery section starting to take shape.

Billy Booth our Warrington shop manager moving at speed (I think the pub had just opened)

The Henri Lloyd section all finished and awaiting some stock

Boxes, boxes and more boxes

The Stock arrives for the Gill stand

and more
hopefully this gives you all a little sneak preview into what goes on to get a boat show set up there will be more show pics and products to follow shortly.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Tired & emotional
Well there we have it for another year London boat show is done and dusted. After 14 days of setting up and selling we were all very pleased to see the breakdown team arrivew last night and cash up for one final time.
After a slow start to the show thanks to the weather which saw attendance figures down by as much as 27% over the weekend things were not looking too good, however once the roads were clear and the trains back up and running it seemed that there was life out there after all with official figures for Thursday showing a 2% increase in attendance on last year.
So after a very tired journey home and a much needed soak in the bath (its ok i have been showering inbetween times) its back to the office and the several hundred e-mails that are waiting for me. As pleased as I am to be home the boat shows all ways offer an opportunity to get out there and meet the boating public and chat with you guys to see what it is you like and dislike and how you like to spend your time.
I also want to take the opportunity to thank all of the staff on my stand for their hardwork over the last 14 days (it's ok you can sit down and rest your feet as much as you like now)some of them are even still talking to me. Name checks time, Ella, Alex, Laura, Damian and Sam you were all great. Thanks.
Next stop Southampton (hopefully no snow for that one!)
After a slow start to the show thanks to the weather which saw attendance figures down by as much as 27% over the weekend things were not looking too good, however once the roads were clear and the trains back up and running it seemed that there was life out there after all with official figures for Thursday showing a 2% increase in attendance on last year.
So after a very tired journey home and a much needed soak in the bath (its ok i have been showering inbetween times) its back to the office and the several hundred e-mails that are waiting for me. As pleased as I am to be home the boat shows all ways offer an opportunity to get out there and meet the boating public and chat with you guys to see what it is you like and dislike and how you like to spend your time.
I also want to take the opportunity to thank all of the staff on my stand for their hardwork over the last 14 days (it's ok you can sit down and rest your feet as much as you like now)some of them are even still talking to me. Name checks time, Ella, Alex, Laura, Damian and Sam you were all great. Thanks.
Next stop Southampton (hopefully no snow for that one!)
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Big Day
It's the big day here at the London Boat Show today in more ways than one. As ever Thursday night is the late night so we are open until 9PM tonight so its ideal for a trip in after work. If you needede any more reasons to come along to the show other than browsing some of the finest yachts and motor boats in the world and picking up a bargain then maybe the appearance of Olly Murs and Stacey Soloman (X-Factor finalists) on the main stage at 19:30 tonight. There is also the usual lte night fun to be had with the Rat Pack performing on the Sunseeker stand and drinks and nibbles around the show.
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal was at the show yesterday and spent time on quite a few stands although not Mailspeed Marine (she obviousley is not in need of any new wet weather gear or a new VHF).
Last but not least the snow has gone and doesn't look likely to make an appearance again until after the show!
Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal was at the show yesterday and spent time on quite a few stands although not Mailspeed Marine (she obviousley is not in need of any new wet weather gear or a new VHF).
Last but not least the snow has gone and doesn't look likely to make an appearance again until after the show!
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Boat Show Day 5
So its day 5 here at the London Boat show and as the weather continues to improve so does the turnout. It looks at the moment as though the number of people at the show is almost back to normal.
So today I have been away from the stand for a little while this morning while we do some filming around the show. We started off on the boating on a budget stand which you can read about on a previous post, where we interviewed David Lewin who came up with the idea (watch this space for the footage in the coming weeks). We have also got some great footage from around the show for those of you or couldn't make it. Crewsaver and Tacktick have also taken time to have to show us some of there new products for 2010.
Apparently explorer and survival specialist Bear Grylls will be appearing at the show later on today he shouldn't need to try to hard to find something to eat here or though the budget of a TV star is required.
So today I have been away from the stand for a little while this morning while we do some filming around the show. We started off on the boating on a budget stand which you can read about on a previous post, where we interviewed David Lewin who came up with the idea (watch this space for the footage in the coming weeks). We have also got some great footage from around the show for those of you or couldn't make it. Crewsaver and Tacktick have also taken time to have to show us some of there new products for 2010.
Apparently explorer and survival specialist Bear Grylls will be appearing at the show later on today he shouldn't need to try to hard to find something to eat here or though the budget of a TV star is required.
Monday, 11 January 2010
Book signings and celebritys
Well its been an interesting show so far here in London. Due to the weather attendance has not been quite what we would hope, however it does mean that for those who made it to the show over the last few days have had the pick of the shopping deals and easy access onto all of the boats without the usual long weekend waiting.
So the highlight of the show so far for a lot of people has been Ben Ainslie's presence at the show during Saturday. He did a question and answer session on the main stage with visitors to the show posing the questions. He then signed copies of his new book on both the Henri Lloyd stand and on Mailspeed's stand. I managed to grab a quick couple of minutes with him afterwards to pose a few cutting journalistic questions. You will be able to see the video of this interview and loads of pics from the show soon.
As ever glitz and glamour is never far away at the boat show with celebrity sightings including Ollie and Stacy from the X-factor, tv stars and BBC news journalists (all right maybe not all that glamorous).
so lets hope the weather holds of and you can all come and enjoy the boats and bargains this week.
So the highlight of the show so far for a lot of people has been Ben Ainslie's presence at the show during Saturday. He did a question and answer session on the main stage with visitors to the show posing the questions. He then signed copies of his new book on both the Henri Lloyd stand and on Mailspeed's stand. I managed to grab a quick couple of minutes with him afterwards to pose a few cutting journalistic questions. You will be able to see the video of this interview and loads of pics from the show soon.
As ever glitz and glamour is never far away at the boat show with celebrity sightings including Ollie and Stacy from the X-factor, tv stars and BBC news journalists (all right maybe not all that glamorous).
so lets hope the weather holds of and you can all come and enjoy the boats and bargains this week.
Friday, 8 January 2010
So day one of the boat show is well under way and so far it's been an interesting day. We had two of the X-Factor finalists open the show and lots of new product launches. Right next door to my stand we had product launches for the new Gill race range which is a comprehensive range of sports boat and yacht racing kit tailored towards the warm weather racing events like the Audi med cup and Antigua race week. So far we have seen alot of interest in the entire range with good early sales.
Also launching a new range of kit today were Henri Lloyd with their revelutionary range of sailing kit made from recycled and recyclable materials. I'm sure this Blue Eco will be the first of many products like this to be produced by the big clothing manufactuers. Crewsaver also unveile the new Crewfit 190n lifejacket with it's built in hood and light along with fitted crutch straps it full fills all of the RNLI's suggested wish list of a lifejacket and has proved very popular with the boating public so far today.
Hopefully I will be able to come back with some juicy show gossip tomorrow so watch this space.
Also launching a new range of kit today were Henri Lloyd with their revelutionary range of sailing kit made from recycled and recyclable materials. I'm sure this Blue Eco will be the first of many products like this to be produced by the big clothing manufactuers. Crewsaver also unveile the new Crewfit 190n lifejacket with it's built in hood and light along with fitted crutch straps it full fills all of the RNLI's suggested wish list of a lifejacket and has proved very popular with the boating public so far today.
Hopefully I will be able to come back with some juicy show gossip tomorrow so watch this space.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
New 2010 catalogue
The new 2010 Mailspeed marine catalgue has just arrived on the stand and is looking very good even if I do say so myself. Packed full of new and exiting products and all the old favourites. The new format provides a much cleaner and easier to use format. Either pick one up from the show or order one online from
Still lots to do here so I better get on.
Still lots to do here so I better get on.
Boat show update
It appears that the majority of the country is covered in snow this morning, weather more appropriate for ski shows than boat shows. Fortunately the majority of the stock is here already so no problems there. I just hope it's all gone come Friday so you can all get here to see the show and hopefully buy lots of stuff.
Just starting to get the Gill clothing stand setup, there seems to be alot of boxes for the size of the stand, I hope it all fits.
Just starting to get the Gill clothing stand setup, there seems to be alot of boxes for the size of the stand, I hope it all fits.
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Well so far so good, set up seems to be going very smoothly at the moment. The Musto, Henri Lloyd and Gill clothing sections are all constructed. The electronics stand is starting to fill up with stock and all the dinghys are inflated on the mail order stand. There is still plenty of work to do though with a whole other stand to construct and stock up.
The most intriguing site so far is the 3 giant beach balls that have been hoisted into position above the visit Turkey stand (darts anyone?)
still not worked out the photo uploading yet but I'm working on it hopefully I will have sussed it out by tomorrow.
The most intriguing site so far is the 3 giant beach balls that have been hoisted into position above the visit Turkey stand (darts anyone?)
still not worked out the photo uploading yet but I'm working on it hopefully I will have sussed it out by tomorrow.
Boat show set up
It's that time again, where we are lugging boxes around and trying to remember how the racking goes together. With 3 days left until the show opens on Friday there is an awfull lot still to do. A new development this year is that we all have to wear a very fetching hi vis vest so we don't get run over by a stray wheely bin. Sorry about the absence of any pics on this post but I can't work out how to get them to upload as doing this from my phone for the first time. Will try to work it out for next timebut I best be off as I'm getting some dirty looks for sitting playing on my phone rather than unpacking boxes.
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